Our Story

Sitters for Scholars was founded in 2014 by Oksana Hradyska, a former student at Simmons University. During her time at the University, Hradyska observed many of her classmates bring their children to class because they didn’t have affordable, consistent, and reliable childcare.

In response, she offered free babysitting services and encouraged other students to volunteer. After graduation, Hradyska expanded the initiative and recruited, trained, and matched volunteer babysitters with low-income, single-parent families.

The volunteer sitters provided evening childcare while student parents attended educational classes. As a result, the program gained significant traction, and in 2018, they received an Open-Door grant from the Boston Foundation. 


Note from SFS Founder

Oksana Hradyska

When I was studying Biochemistry in college, I saw many students coming to class with their babies. Sometimes there were strollers in the classroom and when we had lab, moms found acquaintances to watch their children in the cafeteria for a few hours. These young women were intelligent and competent, but after struggling with childcare for a while, they dropped their studies.  

I had babysat throughout high school and college, so it was clear how a single mom in the Boston area wouldn’t be able to make ends meet, raise a child and attend college. Partially from my own babysitting experience, I realized what these moms needed to complete their degree - a few babysitting hours so they can go to class – for free, at their home, by a trusted babysitter. No strings attached.

I gave it a try. Immediately there were sitters interested in giving 4 hours a week of their time, to help low-income moms and play with kids every week. And there were many mothers eager to receive our services. Organization protocols were developed and systems were set up. Today, Sitters For Scholars continues to meet the requests of parents who are pursuing their educational goals. 

Please reach out and get involved. You too can make a difference!

- Oksana


To enable families to advance economically through offering parents the opportunity to pursue their educational goals. To achieve this mission, we provide trusted, Free Babysitting to Low-Income Student Parents in Greater Boston.


Every student parent has the opportunity to achieve their fullest educational potential. We envision a country where all student parents and their children  – even in the most remote areas – hold the power to participate in educational opportunities for themselves.


To fulfill our mission, to achieve our goals, and to implement our strategic imperatives, we are guided by these enduring values:

  • Excellence: We commit to excel in all that we do.

  • Innovation: We commit to be creative, responsive, and progressive.

  • Courage: We commit to set ambitious goals and to take the risks necessary to achieve those goals.

  • Integrity: We commit to be honest, ethical, authentic, and accessible.

  • Inclusiveness: We commit to respect and embrace equity, inclusion, and diversity in people, ideas, and opinions.

  • Social Responsibility: We commit to act for the benefit of society at large.

  • Gratitude: We commit to express appreciation to others and to demonstrate our gratitude through our actions.

Excellence - Innovation - Courage -

Integrity - Inclusiveness - Social Responsibility - Gratitude -

Excellence - Innovation - Courage - Integrity - Inclusiveness - Social Responsibility - Gratitude -